
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Sorry this has been a week late; I didn’t have internet service for about a week.

Wednesday April 23, 2008

Today’s weather was nuts! Cold and windy, rainy, hot and sunny, couldn’t decide what to do. We went to get cash then shopped for a bit. We went to Robert’s craft store so I could buy the right color of paint for the birdhouse. I figured we could do that today because the weather WAS bad. We got home and ate and visited outside and talked about flowers blooming, amoung other things. George needs to practice walking downhill, he tends to go fast and starts to run and almost falls.

Friday April 18, 2008

After lunch today, we started painting the birdhouse we got at the craft store. George liked painting it! His hands/arms hurt after awhile; we will finish it a little bit at a time. (I took a video of it that I will try to add later :) ). We then took a drive out to the Draper area. (He wanted to go out that way). We stopped at the store on the way home. It was really windy today!

Wednesday April 16, 2008

Today I came over a little later than usual; Dennis has been helping me move. George was funny today. He has been out of whiskey for a couple of days and when we went to the liquor store, he was SO happy to get his whiskey :) When we came home from going to the liquor store and grocery store he asked me where his whiskey was, he came in the kitchen and was trying to open his whiskey saying “I NEED SOMETHING” it was pretty funny. We played bingo afterwards, he won!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Today I didn't stay long, I have a final to study for on Monday, and I'm moving. We had lunch at home and talked about things outdoors. He pointed out a Robin to me, he's got great eyesight! He had just gotten up when I got there! (12:10) He needs to get to bed earlier! After lunch we went to the store to pick up a few things. I hope he gets to bed earlier tonight.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Wednesday April 9, 2008

It was a gloomy day today; we went for a long drive and picked up a late lunch at the Jasmine. During the day, George asked me if he could call me “his girlfriend” I told him “I don’t know about that” then he said… (This was really sweet); “you’re my best friend”. :)

Friday April 4, 2008

Today George and I went to lunch at Wingers, (He ordered a hamburger that was huge! And later said he didn’t like the place because of that). There was a little boy in a highchair that he kept waving and smiling at, it was cute. After lunch we went to the pet store in Sandy (Incredible Pets). We looked at and petted dogs, birds, and fish (well not the fish). It was fun. :) He said some cute things, but I waited a few days to add this entry, I forgot what they were. We both had fun though.

Wednesday April 2, 2008

I have a test this Friday; I’m not able to come out today. I will see George on Friday.

Friday March 28, 2008

Today I took George for a drive up to Brighton after lunch to show him where Dennis goes when he leaves for work. It was a pretty drive. We watched the skiers for awhile, I wanted to get out and go for a walk but it was snowy and slick.

Wednesday March 26, 2008

Today it was cool outside, George and I were going to paint his birdhouse but I couldn’t get the right color! We ended up going for a walk outside. His neighbor came home and was checking his mail; George told him that he “walked good”.

Friday March 21, 2008

I went to Lunch with Sharon and George at Market Street Grill. We talked about things to do outdoors with George. We went to the cemetery afterwards. Sharon drove us to Michael’s craft store and bought George some craft projects for us to do. It will be fun to do crafts with him. :)

Wednesday March 19, 2008

It’s spring break, taking today off. Sharon called today (Just got in town) and I will be going to lunch with Sharon and George on Friday.

Friday March 14, 2008

George got up late today. He was making coffee when I got there. We had lunch/brunch and then went to get his haircut. I used the video camera, it was fun. He found out who lived behind him! He was talking to a girl in the driveway before we left for the barber shop and found out she lives behind him. He’s gone to the same place for about 25 years! I asked him what his barbers name was, he doesn’t know!

Wednesday March 12, 2008

We spent the day inside today. It was too cool to eat lunch outside. After we had lunch, I gathered some pictures for us to go through and look at. (He took a long time to come and look at them, I think he just wanted to take a nap today, he had a late start).
I used the video camera for the first time today.

Friday March 7, 2008

Today while me and George were sitting on the couch and looking at the mountains, there was a grandmother with her granddaughter (about 2). The little girl was walking with a stroller and George said “She walks faster than I do” We had a laugh at that (cause as we know he does not walk!) He seems to be doing well with PT, he showed me some of his exercises. We went for a drive up in the mountains.

Wednesday March 5, 2008

I have a test on Friday, I won’t be able to stop by today, I need to study for it. I wonder what he is doing.

Friday February 29, 2008
Funny moment of the day.

Today George and I had lunch outside again. The weather has been nice this week. While we were eating lunch, he noticed my nose ring and asked me if I had a pimple. I poked the nose ring up a little bit out of my nose so that he could see it, and he started to laugh! It was pretty funny. Afterwards he told me “That was a good one”.

Wednesday February 27, 2008

George and I had lunch outside today, very nice day. He talked about the neighbors and about how he has cherry trees in his own yard. We looked at pictures that we are going to sort through and he told me stories about some of them. His hair was a mess when I first got there. He said he tried to use a different shampoo and it wouldn’t comb right. (He fixed it). :)