
Friday, May 30, 2008

I’m so glad that George was himself today! He was sitting outside in the sun when I came. We talked for a bit and then he wanted to go to lunch. We were out of the house within a half hour! I took him to The Park CafĂ© by liberty park. We were going to eat outside because it was such a nice day, but by the time we got there it was cloudy and a little cool. He said he had never been there before. For the first time ever, I forgot my purse! and when we were done George was going to pay, but forgot his wallet! (It eventually got taken care of). We went to the park afterwards and sat on a bench and watched the birds at the pond. He stayed a lot longer than I thought he would. One comment he said was “be careful when you look up, just don’t open your mouth”.
Oh ya, he found his whisky.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Today when I came over George was asleep on the couch. It took awhile to get going but once out, we went to lunch at Rock Creek Pizza. I wanted to take him to the new aquarium out in Sandy but once there he didn’t want to get out of the car, I convinced him that it would be fun but once inside, he really didn’t want to go. I didn’t want to force him to do something he didn’t want to do. Maybe we can try that another day. We ended up going to the store to buy some flowers then went up to the cemetery, since we were unable to do that last week. We were parked on a slant and when he tried to go up he was just taking steps but not going anywhere, we had a laugh about that. It was a really long day today; it took him awhile to do things. Hopefully it is just because he was tired today. He did seem really tired and weak but when I was leaving he seemed to be his old self again.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Friday May 23, 2008

We finally finished the birdhouse today! It looks great :) I set it out by the front porch so George could look at it when he’s inside sitting on the couch. George pointed out a bird that was feeding from the hanging feeder outside; hopefully one will come by his birdhouse. I forgot it was Memorial Day weekend until we went to the store to pick up his pills. I felt bad when George said he wanted to go to the cemetery and I couldn’t take him. I talked to Dennis and he said he would take him this weekend. (I had things I had to get done for work). He seemed to have a good day.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Today the weather was cold. We went to get George’s hair cut, then went to lunch at the Jasmine. When we were at the Jasmine, there was a couple with a little girl that walked in, and he leaned over and said “She’s the boss”. It was funny. He will also be getting weighed weekly. Today he was 100 lbs. I talked to him about eating more, he said he would try.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My computer’s not working again! Sorry. (In the future if there are late entries, or you are wondering what’s up that’s probably the reason).

Friday May 16, 2008

Today was such a nice day! I packed up a lunch and took George to Willowcreek park. I finally used the video camera today, (don’t know why I haven’t lately). He didn’t eat very well though. We walked around the park, and did a little PT. He noticed a couple disappear around the hill, when they came back he said “that wasn’t long enough”. I made George a pizza before I left today.

Wednesday May 14, 2008

Ok this was nuts. To make a long story short, we took a drive and went out to Great Salt Lake, we stopped and looked around, did some PT and when we were coming home George told me the way back was “around the hill” We ended up about 75 miles or so from Wendover! When I finally was able to turn around it was about 51 miles back to Salt Lake! and when I took the turn George said “where are you going? Wendover is right up there”. It was a long day.

Friday May 9, 2008

Oh my gosh! It seems that everything just went wrong today. George wanted to go to lunch at the Japan Market. They didn’t have a lot of bento boxes to choose from, he got confused as to what to do with his change; after we ate, we went to Harmon’s and picked up a few things. He had kept running into things with the cart, he forgot to use the brake, and then when we left he fell on the way to the car and then a car almost backed into us as we were leaving. It was just a crazy day today. He did eat well though. :)

Wednesday May 7, 2008

Today was a rainy and cold day. We finished painting the birdhouse, George really liked it, he is really into detail, and he also did a really good job! We will finish up small details another day.

Friday May 2, 2008

Today we went to lunch at Rock Creek Pizza, George picked the place to go and when I asked him if he like it, he actually said “It’s not bad”. I guess we need to go there more often. He usually is saying “I don’t like it”. He did some PT today too (This, he even started on his own! Good job!) :) When we went to the bank earlier, I was telling him to lift his feet when he walked and he was laughing saying “ya ya”. Before I left he was putting whisky in his ensure. (I guess it tastes better that way). ;)

Wednesday April 30, 2008

Today after lunch we went to the pet store. George called me over, he saw Trevor at the pet store too. We talked to him for a few minutes. On our way out, one of the birds bit George (Just a little nip). There didn’t seem to be as many pets as the first time we went. The weather was windy and cold to do anything outside. We went to the store after to pick up a couple things. I had my final today so I’ll be able to focus more and plan more things to do.

Friday April 25, 2008

Today George needed to pick up his pills, but before we left he did about an hours worth of PT! Hope he keeps it up during the week, it really helps. While we were waiting for the pills we went shopping. We stopped at Taco Time on the way home. At home he was finally able to show me the big dog that he is always talking about. It’s huge! He was laughing when I saw it. I love his laugh.